Why we need to Registering ?
For security reason. To prevent miss using the card.
What we need before going to register?
Needs only anyone of these Cards debit/credit/prepaid (Direct).
Can we use multiple cards ?
At present not allowed. May be in future allowed
Charging any fee for registration ?
Yes, only 1 NIS.
Charging any fee for Deposit with Card ?
No, it's completely free
How long take registration process?
The process should only take few hours but can take up to 2 business days.
How long it takes Credit to Neema?
Instant means immediately
How much is monthly Card Deposit limit?
10,000 NIS only

How to Register?
follow the below steps...

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5 Terre
After doing the above process, go to the card deposit option and it will look like the image below.
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How long did it take me to get approved?
For me 4 hours and 30 minutes. But sometimes it can take up to 2 working days.
5 Terre
Click the Play Store button below to download the Neema APP.
5 Terre

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